"Tutti frutti" est la seconde exposition de Jacques Flèchemuller à la galerie Corinne Bonnet. Il présentera ses dernières peintures, ses dessins, ses collages et sculptures. Vernissage jeudi 14 juin 2018 de 17 h à 21 h, puis jusqu'au 14 juillet 2018 / « Tutti frutti » is Jacques Flèchemuller's second exhibition in Galerie Corinne Bonnet. He'll present his latest paintings, drawings, stickings and sculptures. Begins on June 14th, 2018 from 5pm to 9pm, then lasts until July 14th 2018.
Jacques Flèchemuller est diplômé de l’École des Beaux Arts de Paris (France) et de l’École des Arts Appliqués de Paris (France)
. Principales acquisitions publiques / Main purchases by public Museums :
. Whitney Museum, New York City, (USA)
. Art Museum, Portland , Oregon, (USA)
. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, (USA)
. Museum of Worpswede, Brême, (Allemagne)
. Musée d’Art Hors les Norms, Dicy, (France)
. Musée de Création Rurale, Chalon, (France)
. Musée de la Poste, Paris, (France)
. Musée d’art Moderne, Paris, (France)
. Janco Dada Museum, Hof-Hacarmel, (Israel)
. Harvard Law School Museum, Cambridge, (Angleterre)
. MASchwartz Art Collection, Harvard Business School, Cambridge (Angleterre)
. Principales expositions personnelles / Main solo exhibitions :
2018 "Tutti frutti", galerie Corinne Bonnet, Paris (France)
2017. "Dislocation", PDX gallery. Portland ( Oregon) USA
2016."Love is a pink cake", PDX Gallery . Portland ( Oregon ) USA
2016 “Je vous aime beaucoup”, galerie Corinne Bonnet, Paris (France)
2015 “The Good Luck Gallery, Los Angeles (USA)
2013 “Danse with Ingres”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon)
2012 “Me, Myself and I”, Cultural Center, Montmorency, (France)
2010 “Beyond the fence”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon)
2009 “The Martini Girls”, Galerie Keller, Paris, (France)
2008 “Nothing But the Truth”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon) et “Postcards from Brooklyn”, Galerie Varfok, Budapest, (Hongrie)
2007 “Monkey Business”, Galerie Keller, Paris, (France)
2006 “Gone Fishing”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon)
2005 “Tutti Frutti”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon)
2003 “Jacques Flechemuller”, Schroeder Romero, Brooklyn, (USA)
2001 “Cally My Mom”, Gracie Mansion Gallery, New York City (USA)
1999 “Back to Square One”, Gracie Mansion Gallery, New York City (USA)
1998 “Secret Battle Plans”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon) / “Re-painting”, Marseille, (France) / Galerie Athisma, Lyon, (France) /”Thea Westreich”, New York City (USA)
1997 Galerie Catherine Niederhauser, Lausanne, (Suisse) /Journée du livre politique, UNESCO, Paris, (France) / Centre de radiotherapie, Nice, (France)
1996 Galerie Athisma, Lyon, (France) / Basel Art Fair, Galerie Triebold, (Suisse)
1995 Annina Nosei Gallery, New York City , (USA)
1994 Annina Nosei Gallery, New York City (USA) / Galerie Raph Debarrn, Paris, (France) / Galerie Raph Debarrn, Nice, (France)
1993 “Typhoid Series”, Soho Medical, New York, (USA) / “Don’t Tell MY Mother”, Galerie de la Pleau, Toulouse, (France) / Galerie Athisma, Lyon, (France)
1992 “Glyphs, Recent Paintings”, Jamison Thomas Gallery, New York City, (USA)
1991 “A Few Bombs”, Jamison Thomas Gallery, New York, (USA) / “She Said Yes”, Galerie Athisma, Lyon, (France)
1990 “Four Paintings”, Jamison Thomas Gallery, New York City, (USA) / Maison de Verre, Paris, (France) / “I Love Alan Ladd”, Jamison Thomas, New York City (USA)
1989 “Introductions”, Jamison Thomas Gallery, New York City (USA) / “Recent Work”, Jamison Thomas, Portland, (Oregon)
1988 “Recent Work”, Rena Bransten, San Francisco, (USA)
1987 “Overview”, Linda Hodges Gallery, Seattle, (USA) / “Recent Work”, Anne Plumb Gallery, New York City (USA)
1986 “New Paintings”, Anne Plumb Gallery, New York City (USA) / “L’Etroit Jour”, Maison de Verre, Paris, (France)
1985 “Introduction”, Anne Plumb Gallery, New York City (USA)
1984 “Recent Work”, Sag Harbor Art Gallery, New York City (USA)
1981 Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris, (France)
1979 Cultureel Centrum of Amsterdam-Amstelveen, (Hollande)
1977 Galerie d’Eendt, Amsterdam, (Hollande)
1976 Galerie 92, Ostersund, (Suède)
1973 - 74 L’Atelier Jacob, Paris, (France) / Galerie Yvy, Geneva, (Suisse)
. Principales expositions de groupe / Main collective exhibitions :
2011 PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon)
2010 “Ten Years Hunting - [Part Three]”, “The Trophy Room”, “Parker’s Box”, New York City (USA) / “The Secret Language of Animals”, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, (USA)
2009 “Enfance”, Galerie Keller, Paris, (France)
2008 “Open your eyes”, Galerie Keller, Paris, (France) /Institut Hongrois de Paris, Paris, (France)
2005 “Next”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon)
2003 Schroeder Romero Gallery Brooklyn, New York City (USA) / “Up in Arms”, Parkers Box, Armory Show, New York City (USA)
2002 Gracie Mansion Gallery, New York City (USA) / “Influenced”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon)
2000 “Physical Manifestations”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon)
1999 “No Kidding: Visions of Childhood”, Gracie Mansion Gallery, New York City (USA) / FIAC, Editions Eric Linard, Paris, (France) / “Seeing Money”, Public Venue, Portland, (Oregon) / “Changing Faces”, Jim Kempner Fine Arts, New York City (USA)
1998 Thea Westreich, New York City (USA)
1997 Annina Nosei, New York City (USA) / Galerie Athanor, Marseille, (France)/ “French Connection”, Triangle Workshop, New York City (USA) / Galerie Tohu Bohu, Marseille, (France) / “Gallery Artists”, PDX Contemporary Art, Portland, (Oregon) / “Absolute L.A.”, International Biennial Art Invitational, Jan Baum Gallery, Los Angeles, (USA)
1996 Annina Nosei, New York City (USA)
1995 Annina Nosei Gallery, New York City (USA)
1994 “Two-man show”, Janco Dada Museum, Hof-Hacarmel, (Israel) / “Plis d’ Excellence”, Musee de la Poste, Paris, (France) / Annina Nosei Gallery, New York City (USA)
1993 Annina Nosei Gallery, New York City (USA)
1990 “Facteur d’art”, Musee de la poste, Paris, (France) / L.A. Contemporary Art Fair, Jamison Thomas, New York City (USA) / “Art of the Triptych”, Jamison Thomas, New York City (USA)
1988 Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, (USA) /Anne Plumb Gallery, New York City (USA)
1987 Anne Plumb Gallery, New York City (USA) /Linda Hodges Gallery, Seattle, (USA) / “Call of the Wild”, RISD Museum of Art, Providence, (USA)
1986 “Stay Tuned”, Anne Plumb Gallery, New York City (USA)
1985 “4 Artists: Botts, Flechemuller, Gompertz, Oppenheim”, Inaugural Show, Anne Plumb Gallery, New York City (USA) / “Drawings and Sculpture”, Manhattan Art, New York City (USA)
1984 “Five French Artists in New York”, Ambassade de France, New York City (USA)
1983 GFH Annual Exhibition, New York City (USA)
1978-82 Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris, (France)
1978 La Baleine, Le CRACAP, Chalon-sur-Saone, Paris, (France)
1977 “Cerfs- Volants, images pour le ciel”, Festival d’Automne, Paris, (France)
1975 Salon de Mai, Paris, (France) / “Grafik aus Paris, 4 Artists: Max Ernst, Flechemuller, Matta and Bram van Velde”, Musée de Worpswede, Brême, (Allemagne)
1973-74 Salon des Realites Nouvelles, Paris, (France)
1970 “La Venus de Milo ou les dangers de la célébrité”, Musée d’art Moderne, Bruxelles, (Belgique)
. Principales publications / Main publications :
2010 Collier Patrick, “The Often Monochromatic, Sometimes Off-Color World of Jacques Flechemuller at PDX Contemporary.” PORT, Oct. 25
2010 Schemmerer Richard, “Interview with Jacques Flechemuller about his show at PDXContemporary Art Gallery titled ‘Beyond the Fence’.” ArC: Art & Concept, Oct.25
2010. Adams Anne, “October Gallery Pick: Jacques Flechemuller - Beyond the Fence.”Culturphile: Portland Arts, Portland Monthly, Oct. 7
2009 “Laughter Stuck at the Back of the Throat.” Les amis de Cimaise.fr, September 30, 2009.
2008 “Art, fly fishing & anarchy! An interview with the painter Flechemuller.” This is Fly,December 2008.“You Need Art.” photo credit, Portland Monthly Magazine. March 2008.
2007 “Flèchemuller est de retour : Monkey Business”, Artension, Sept-Oct. 2007
2006 Row D.K, “Shows of note: Jacques Flechemuller.” The Oregonian, October 2007
2005 Henderson Harvest, “Like a joke you can’t explain...” Visual Arts, The Oregonian, April15th /“Jacques Flechemuller, Tutti Frutti.”, The new drizzle, 2005
2004 “Jacques Flechemuller: Sophie at Night.”, The Brooklyn Rail, February 2004
2003 Maine Stephen, “Dateline Brooklyn.”, Reviews, artnet.com, Dec. 19
1986 Vellay Marc, “Elsewhere” Midatlantic, November 1986